Les cadres ont-ils un bon niveau d’anglais ?

According to a CADREMPLOI study published in 2017*,

Employers prefer English to be the 1st foreign language mastered by their executives. 99% of them use it regularly at work.

One out of every two executives think that they have a good level of English.

40% of executives (who answered the survey), believe that they speak fluently

32% consider that they have a working level

67% dare to speak up in English

However, 79% have the feeling that they are not well enough prepared for an interview in English

What can you do to improve your level of English ?

You can decide to watch films or series in their original version on Netflix, read regularly in English, follow English courses in groups or on-line.

Have you ever thought of another technique?  Individual, tailor-made course under hypnosis?

Here are the benefits of the CROÂ EN TOI method :

  •  Effortless
  • Efficiency
  • Restored self-esteem

Make the choice of an innovative, pleasant and efficient method!

You have the power, now!

*Read the article : https://www.nouvelleviepro.fr/actualite/319/les-cadres-ont-ils-un-bon-niveau-danglais


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